Tag Archives: Wellness

Thursday Tidbits

7 Mar

1. Fat and muscle weigh the same.

In the body, fat takes up a ton more room than muscle would dream, but, five pounds of muscle is five pounds of muscle, and five pounds of fat is five pounds of fat. Although it’s healthy to have more muscle, a little fat is needed to keep the body insulated!


5lb of fat and 5lb of muscle [Source]

2. The importance of taking a break.

When things are going 90mph, breaks are a savior! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC says, “Short breaks can help increase your concentration, alertness, and work speed.”  I know that I wouldn’t be able to function without a little me time! To refresh, I like to take a quick bath, read a book, or rest for 15 minutes or so, whatever time permits. Right now the book A Will & A Way is taking me away.



What do you like to do when you take a break? What book are you currently reading?

3. Rice is always more fun dressed up.


In the mix: brown rice, chickpeas, carrots, peas, avocado, strawberries, and Bolthouse Farms  Creamy Honey Mustard Vinergerette Yogurt Dressing. Has anyone else tried any of the Bolthouse Farm Yogurt Dressings? They’re all so so good.

4. A throwback for Throwback Thursday

me and cole hamel (2)

Meeting Cole Hamels before my senior year of high school!

A beautiful sunset to end the day



003The colors were gorgeous and made me look forward to all of the summer sunsets that are to come!


Five Minutes or Less for Health Weekly Tip: Take a Break. (2012, May 21). Retrieved March 7, 2013, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention : http://www.cdc.gov/family/minutes/tips/takeabreak/index.htm

Eating 4 Real

4 Mar

Today has been one of those I put the milk in the pantry instead of the refrigerator kind of days. Thankfully I caught myself and could blame it on Monday! I know I’m going to sleep well tonight! Anyway, today we celebrate and recognize Healthy Monday, which means it’s time for the Healthy Monday tip! Let’s go.



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March 4
Go the Whole Way
Don’t depend on multivitamins to cover gaps in a poor diet. These isolated vitamins and minerals
don’t provide the complex nutrient interactions of whole, unrefined foods. Unprocessed vegetables,
fruits, whole grains, nuts and beans contain the antioxidants, phytonutrients, fatty acids, fiber and
more that our bodies need to function at their best.
This week take one or two of your favorite processed foods and give them a whole foods makeover.
Choose whole grain rice and bread over white, make a fresh fruit smoothie or replace instant soup
with a batch of fresh vegetable soup. You’ll still be eating the foods you like while enjoying a nutritional boost!”
Whatcha’ think of today’s tip? I know sometimes it is hard to make a switch from processed foods and give them a whole foods makeover, especially in a college dining hall or workplace cafeteria, where there are not always whole food options. Are there ways that this can be manipulated? Would you choose organic if this were an option?
Four of my favorite clean eating ladies that inspire me to eat real each and every meal:
1. Registered Dietician Michelle Dudash exposed me to the wonderful world of healthy living blogs. I even won a more than generous California Raisins giveaway off her site. Her recipes are fun, fresh, and fabulous!

Michelle’s Quinoa and Black Bean Cakes with Cumin & Chile



2. Whole foods guru Tosca Reno introduced me to clean eating as a way of life.
Tosca’s Eat- Clean Egg Salad
3. Stiletto Chef Candice Kumai makes healthy foods hot. Who knew an avocado could be sexy?
Candice’s Simple Raspberry Lemon Zest Scones
4. My favorite online celebrity yoga teacher Tara Stiles does the healthy in the kitchen too!
Tara’s Vegan Mac & Cheese
I can’t not mention Tara without sharing one of her yoga practices!

This Week in My World of Wellness

1 Mar

Happy weekend, happy March, happy almost spring!

Journey Update:

On Wednesday of this week, I coached for the first time in my life! In the fall, I became a Matter of Balance coach certified to encourage older adults to not be afraid of falling. As an Intern, at my local Health Department, I shadowed one of the Health Department’s dynamic Public Health Educators teach a Matter of Balance class to the residents of a retirement center. I know I’m in the right field when I become excited talking about this. So, on Wednesday I met up with the same dynamic Public Health Educator that I shadowed. We’ll be working together and I cannot be more thrilled! She is so incredibly helpful and willing to help me grow in every way possible as a coach. I cannot wait to share what I learn about being a coach along the way.

A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls is a program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. You may know of an older adult that has taken a fall and as a result, broke their hip or experienced a life threatening injury. Matter of Balance is there to teach participants to:

  • View falls as controllable
  • Set goals for increasing activity
  • Make changes to reduce fall risk at home
  • Exercise to increase strength and balance

This nationally recognized program was developed at the Roybal Center at Boston University.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out MaineHealth’s website to learn more: http://www.mmc.org/mh_body.cfm?id=3498#mob



Product Find:

On my way home from work this afternoon, I stopped at the grocery store to not only restock on some goodies such as sweet potatoes, yogurt (Fage was on sale $1!), and pumpkin seeds. They didn’t have any flax seeds…boo. Anyway, I stumbled across this bread:


Alvarado St. Bakery California Style Complete Protein Bread 100% Whole Grain made with organic sprouted wheat.


The nutrition stats are awesome! I’m really looking forward to my next sami. Has anyone tried Alvardo St. Bakery Bread?

Friday Night AKA Pizza Night:

I was really in the mood for tomato sauce and something with a nice zing. I had just bought sweet potatoes, and opted for a sweet potato pizza! I’m going to have to start calling my blog for the love of sweet potatoes pretty soon!


Sweet potato with Fage Non-fat Plain Greek Yogurt, tomato sauce, flax seed (there was still some on hand at home), a hickory smoked Primal Strip (these are delicious and a great vegetarian protein option!).

Cool tip to keep bananas fresh: Wrap the top of bananas with plastic wrap and they should keep 3 to 5 days longer. See more ways to keep groceries fresh longer.

Have an awesome weekend! 🙂

Running to Be

27 Feb

Sometimes before I run, it can take a lot of motivation and 1,000 excuses to get me going out the door. Then, all of a sudden when my feet hit the pavement, I say to myself, why did I think I didn’t want to run today? Why would I want to miss this feeling of flying and being one with myself?



My motivation comes from  other runners, because every time I see a runner,  I crave to run. Other motivation comes from feeling a sense of accomplishment, weather, or being able to get my mind off of something, or just running to be.

The other day, I experienced running in the rain. It was hands down the coolest experience to feel the rain against my face as I paced myself  mile by mile. The trails were so quiet and I could only hear my thoughts. At one point, I completely zoned out. It’s amazing how the body can keep moving when you’re not even thinking about it.



What motivates you to run or exercise? What was one of your best running or workout experiences?

On a side note, I have a sneaker tip for if you ever go out into the rain for a run and come home with soaking wet sneakers or if you just want to keep your sneakers smelling pretty.
Putting newspaper in sneakers when they are wet will keep them dry and smelling fresh.


After runs in dry weather or the gym, I like to put fabric softener sheets inside of my sneakers.

I saw both of these tips in Good Housekeeping and swear by them! I haven’t had a stinky sneaker since!

Gold Star

25 Feb

Dear Brain,

Tonight I will study who wore what at the Oscar’s over relative risk and randomization and the latest and cute gym hair looks over prevalence. Yes, I love you Public Health, but we need a break.


This afternoon, I took my very first Graduate school exam, a scary thought to me alone in and of itself. Pacing myself for this test was thrown out the window last Monday when we found out the test was going to be on eight chapters, 2 we had not fully covered. I put my game face on along with my war paint. It was me and Epidemiology against the world from last Monday until today.

At noon today, I was home from work and quickly changed into some sweats. Lunch was crunch time. By about 2:30, I reached my full saturation point and decided to chill. I made myself a nice dinner to look forward to for when I came home:


A sweet potato with Chobani Non-fat Plain Greek Yogurt with Amy’s Chile, avocado, and chicken, kale, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, strawberries, pineapple, and raisins.

I also put on an outfit I would feel confident, comfy, and test ready in.


This is my favorite sweater in the whole wide world from the Loft.

I left early from home and arrived to class with plenty of time to settle. When I took my seat, I partook in conversations about being nervous, but my professor was sure to ease our nerves which was definitely comforting. The professors really want the best for their students! I love it! After I finished taking the test, I felt good about all of the hard work I put into studying for it and realized I knew a lot more than I gave myself credit for knowing. I give myself a gold star for getting through my first exam.

What would you give yourself a gold star for today?

Tonight I have a date with my pillow, a book, and my dreams.

Sweet dreams and don’t let the bed begs bite. 🙂

Happy Healthy Monday!



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This week Healthy Monday’s tip is all about SMART goals!

“Revive your Routine

Having a consistent fitness routine is the easiest way to make activity part of your daily life. When

planning your exercise, aim for SMART moves (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely):

pick a time, place and activity that fits into your life and stick with it!

Find three places in your schedule this week where you can fit fitness. It may be in the morning,

during your lunch break, before dinner or in the evening. Recommit to these times at the end of the

week, or adjust your work-out schedule if need be.”


Ignore where she says Holiday season! Thought this was a great and quick yoga!

Five Places I Want to Be in Five Years

22 Feb

1. Working at a company where I can show my true colors and shine. No, I don’t know where I’d like to work, but, I’m learning to to take it day by day to see where life takes me. I just hope it’s somewhere that loves fruits, veggies, and working out.  ;). A 9-5 Monday-Friday gig would be nice too!


Proud “real-person” moment: teaching Public Health to Boy Scout troops

2. A  regular at a yoga studio where I practice or am learning to be a teacher.



3. Being able to hold my own. This is very important to me. I’m so proud of myself for paying for Graduate School on my own so I don’t have loans, but to pay for my own place, car, and more will be a day to pat myself on the back. I’m so thankful for the support of my family in following my goals. I’d fall to pieces without them.


Chris and Kristen’s Rehearsal dinner. Great memories! A special shout out to my cousin, Rose and Aunt Betty and Uncle Bob, who I know read my blog too! Love you guys!

4. A weekend adventurer. I daydream about going on yoga retreats, blend retreats, surf vacations, hiking trips, running in races, learning to paddle board, concerts, visiting my brother and sister-in-law, and far away friends.


Skating at Rockefeller Center would be pretty stellar too!

5. Balanced 🙂


Cartwheels bring me back to youth!

Each moment, day, assignment, and yoga pose will bring me closer. in the meantime, I’ll be living for today. Otherwise, things might become a little too overwhelming!



Where is one place you’d like to be in five years?

Have the most wonderful weekend!

WIAW- Amy’s Kitchen

20 Feb


Jenn, this WIAW link up is too much fun for me to handle! Please be sure to check out Jenn’s blog- Peas and Crayons!

Amy’s is by far my favorite frozen food brand to buy from the store. A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon Amy’s from a Hungry Girl email. Their products sounded too good to be true, basically a dream for someone in love with fresh ingredients. The first product I tried was the Veggie Loaf Whole Meal. Thereafter, I was sold.

So many times frozen foods can taste far from the real thing, but the taste of Amy’s is so homemade to me, maybe because their food is real! On the box you’ll see it says: no additives, no preservatives, and no GMOs. You’ll also be able to read the ingredient list.

When I walk down the frozen foods aisle of the store, I tend to go a little crazy with Amy’s products, but I love being able to pull Amy’s out of the freezer at home. It’s a home cooked meal within minutes.

Although Amy’s wraps, meals, and lasagnas could be a meal on their own, I like to round them out with even more veggies (great for anyone veg-ifying their meals this month for Jenn at Peas and Crayons challenge!), soups, fruits, and other goodies.

Amy’s products currently in my kitchen:


Organic Light in Sodium – Lentil Vegetable Soup, Medium Organic Chili, and Low Fat Cream of Tomato Light in Sodium Soup

All three are the perfect complement to a sandwich! The lentil vegetable and tomato are delicious on a sandwich or on top of a potato! 


Tofu Vegetable Lasagna

This is where tofu entered into my diet.


Vegetable Pie in a Pocket Sandwich

Perfect with lentil soup and a salad on the side.


Cheese Pizza in a Pocket Sandwich

This may just be the best pizza!


Non-Dairy Vegetable Pot Pie

Everything about this pot pie is delicious from the crust to the sauce! I don’t know how Amy’s does it!


Asian Noodle Stir-Fry

When I’m craving Asian, I know what I’m having!

Amy’s meals that made it onto my menu this past week:



Amy’s Feta Spinach Wrap with more spinach on the side, chicken, strawberries (making several appearances in the kitchen as well!), Kumato tomatoes, pure pumpkin, and balsamic vinaigrette.



Amy’s Light and Lean Spinach Lasagna with spinach on the side (I must be on a spinach kick…I was eating a lot of kale!), chickpeas, chicken, strawberries, avocado, sugar snap peas, and balsamic vinaigrette.


Amy’s Bean & Rice Burrito- Non-Dairy is perfect with a dollop of yogurt and salsa! Avocado on the side! I should’ve put tortilla chips with this too!

Oh, and don’t forget desert!


What’s your favorite frozen food brand or Amy’s product?

“I Say Tomato, You Say Tomato”

18 Feb

Is the media confusing the public about their health? 

“Don’t drink diet soda, it causes obesity”

“Drink diet soda to lose weight”

“Eat this, not that”

“Eliminate carbohydrates and lose weight” 

 “If you eat fat, you will be fat.” 

“High fructose corn syrup is bad for your health”

“Eat less than 1,200 calories a day to lose weight”

The above drives me crazy, crazy, crazy! How is a person to know what is good for them when every day a new health trend is being thrown their way? Is it for a fast fix? What about for a person’s health in the long run? Where are reporters, family, and friends getting their information? How reputable are their sources?

Can we go back to the basics please?!

“Drink water for hydration and healthy skin”

“Everything in moderation”

“Eat carbohydrates for energy”

“Healthy Fats are fuel for your brain”

“Eat for your daily needs”


Is there a headline that drives you bananas?

Be well 🙂




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My First WIAW Post

13 Feb

Thank you Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting this great What I Ate Wednesday (WIAW) link up!


The breakfast that I am about to share with you is one of my absolute favorite recipes. Growing up, I always enjoyed a bowl of Quaker Oatmeal whether it was in the morning or for an afternoon or nighttime snack.

Did you eat Instant Dinosaur Eggs, Brown Sugar flavor too?



Although Dinosaur Eggs oatmeal was great, in my teen years, I began adding in toppings of my own to Quaker’s Old Fashioned Oats, the best foundation for so much. Through trial and error, I found what I did and did not like.  The recipe below is what I’ve been making every day that I can!

At night, I add  a 1/2 cup of Old Fashioned Oats, 1 cup of 1% milk, 1 tsp of cinnamon, 1 packet of Truvia, and 1/4 of a teaspoon of pure vanilla extract to a medium sized bowl. I mix these ingredients together and cook in the microwave for 2 minutes.

After taking the oatmeal out of the microwave, I mix in 1 tablespoon of Chia seeds, cover, and put into the refrigerator. Chia seeds take on a thicker, gelatinous texture when mixed with liquid. This is something I have acquired a taste for and quite enjoy!


In the morning, I add in about a cup of frozen wild blueberries and then, a little bit of a lot:  flax and pumpkin seeds, raisins, and mini chocolate chips. I top with a couple spoonfuls of Chobani Non-Fat Plain Greek yogurt. Enjoy cold or warm! I like to add a little bit more Truvia and cinnamon in the morning. If you try this recipe, play around with amounts to see what you like best!


My mom and I go through blueberries like it’s our job!

When mixed together:




This oatmeal is a good source of healthy fats (from the seeds), complex carbohydrates (from the oatmeal and blueberries), and protein (from the 1% milk and Greek yogurt). It holds me over, and I always feel like I’m eating a big ol’ desert rather than something ridiculously healthy!



Sandwich: Ozery Bakery Inc. One Bun Multi Grain Whole Grain bun with Chunk light tuna mixed with Chobani non-fat Greek yogurt and Cedar’s Garden Vegetable Hummus, mozzarella cheese, avocado, spring mix lettuce, and tomato

On the side: Spring mix lettuce, carrots, Organic Everyday Value no salt added 365 Black Beans, and some fresh strawberries



100% pure pumpkin mixed with Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt. Toppings include a crumbled VitaCake, pumpkin and flax seeds, and raisins.



A Wild Alaskan caught salmon burger with Annie’s Organic BBQ sauce on top.

The side includes a sweet potato with Chobani Non-Fat Plain Greek Yogurt and a spring mix salad with Organic Everyday Value no salt added 365 Black Beans, avocado, and tomato!

Today, I think I consumed a little bit too much fish and will be adding soy or other sources of protein for future days I make meatless meals!

I hope everyone is having a great day filled with good eats! 🙂

Healthy Defined

11 Feb

The World Health Organization, also known as WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, 1948, p 100).

The definition has not been amended since 1948.

During an interview back in June, I was asked: “Lindsay, what does being healthy mean to you?”

When thinking about what to say, a million thoughts went through my head, but which one was one my possible future boss wanted to hear? Later, I realized, anything would suffice because there was no wrong answer!

My response:  Being active, exercising, engaging in social outings, eating whole foods (anything that is in its natural state- such as a banana or other fruits, vegetables) are a few of the many characteristics being healthy means to me.


Playing street hockey with dad 🙂

This is a question that I have yet to forget, and I don’t think I will. In my mind, I’m always adding on to what being healthy means to me- getting enough sleep, eating slower, letting go, trying not to worry as much, facing a test without anxiety, meditating, reflecting, taking a break, being kind to yourself and others, volunteering…


Volunteering at Cradles to Crayons last spring!


Ice skating with two of my bests! We’re pros.

What does being healthy mean to you?

Happy Healthy Monday!



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Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948.

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